The 52 ways to have a Good life, a Happy life All the Time no Matter what you are going Through.

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These are the 52 ways to have a good life, a happy life all the time no matter what you are going through.

  1. If you lose money, assume that you have given alms or helped the needy, that will prevent you from being hurt by the loss of money.
  2. You are not perfect and nothing is perfect, everything needs to be revised and improved.
  3. Set yourself a position on the important areas of your life, what things you will or will not do -- no matter what, then live that position without breaking it.
  4. For every mistake you make in your life, ask yourself how you got to that mistake so that next time you don't repeat it.
  5. Be careful with technologies that promise to save time, many ends up wasting more time. If something doesn't make a big contribution to you and life can go without that thing, leave it, it's wasting your time.
  6. The easiest way to have a good life is to avoid making obvious mistakes. If you know something is wrong, don't do it.
  7. Most of the success you have is due to luck and not your efforts. If you were born 100 years ago, you would not have the life you have now.
  8. Don't trust your feelings too much, they always trick you into doing what is wrong. But trust the feelings of others, because people are driven by feelings rather than thinking.
  9. It's important to be you, but you don't have to reveal everything about yourself because you want to be authentic. Consider yourself as a country, which has clear and unclear things.
  10. Say no as often as you can and you will protect your time, as well as avoid unnecessary burdens. And you won't lose much by saying no as often as you can.
  11. What you see in others and desire, is not as good as you think. Your life may be better than what you wish for in the lives of others.
  12. Buying more things does not increase your happiness because after a while you get used to what you bought. Happiness comes from what you do in life, not what you own. So invest in what you do more than buying more things.
  13. When it comes to money, having an amount of money that will enable you to run your life without relying on direct income, don't compare yourself to anyone financially and even if you have a lot of money, live a normal life, wealth creates envy.
  14. Limit yourself to the things you will engage in, know which areas you are good at and put effort into that, and leave everything else behind. You don't need to do everything to be successful, you just need to do a few for quality.
  15. Perseverance is very important, nothing good happens quickly, it takes time and effort. Once you have chosen the areas that are important to you, the next thing is work and giving yourself time. Don't worry about shortcuts.
  16. Don't put yourself in the prison of calling, and don't force yourself to do something because you think that's what you should do in your life. Do what you can do and do it well while striving to be better.
  17. If you do things for others to see and praise you, you will end up being a slave to others. Stop measuring your importance by the way others perceive you, do what is right for you, and don't care what others say or perceive.
  18. You can change yourself, but you can't change anyone. So stop trying to change people, and choose to get involved with people you are already compatible with who do not need any change, instead of trying to change people, you will get tired and you will not succeed.
  19. Set yourself goals that you can work on according to what you want and what you have. Give up goals that depend on how others are doing, setting goals for yourself if you want to change the world is preparing to fail.
  20. Inside you there are two places, there is a soul that exists in the present time and there is a soul that exists in the past time. The present tense is what measures what you are doing now, and the past tense is what gives you the experience. All are important, you should know when to use them.
  21. Live in the present moment, and put all your thoughts on what you are doing now, this way you will increase concentration and you will enjoy whatever you are doing.
  22. Most of the stories you tell yourself about your life are not correct, they are lies you tell yourself so that you don't see the reality of your life. To have a better life, you need to overcome that lie and tell yourself the right story of your life, starting with who you are, what you want, and what you do.
  23. The day you die you may not know if you are even dying, but we are all sure that one day we will die. And here many of us lie to ourselves that we want to have a good death. Instead of struggling and looking for a good death, try to live now, use the time you have to live well, and death will find you, in the way, it will find you.
  24. Reminding yourself of the mistakes you made in the past and regretting them, reminding yourself of those who hurt you and complaining about them is a waste of your time and your life too. Learn from the past, but live today, by doing the best today, don't blame yourself for the past or blame anyone for what happened in the past.
  25. The things we do in our lives have two sides; pleasure and meaning. We are motivated to do things because they are either fun for us to do or meaningful to us. The best life is doing things that are fun and meaningful and not leaning on one side only.
  26. Set yourself the foundations that you will manage and live in your life, and you will not break it even if it costs your life. Have foundations that you will not break even if it costs you death, and this will make your life easier.
  27. When people attack you to break your foundations, and many wills, be strong and don't fall. People will say a lot about your foundations, but stand firm, don't try to break your foundations even once to agree with someone, that way you will continue to break your foundations, and life will be meaningless.
  28. When it comes to your basics, don't leave room for discussion, if it's a no it's a no, there's no need to discuss how to make that no easier. Even if you are told that this is different or there is a big profit, or you are offered a lot of money, no remains no.
  29. Have a book to write down your fears, when you have anything that scares you or worries you, write it down in that book. By knowing you have written, your mind will stop being afraid or worried and you will be able to think about what is important. Once you've written down those fears, ask yourself if it's within you to take action or if it's beyond your control and accept or ignore them.
  30. Our mind is a volcano of opinions, we like to have an opinion on everything that happens. But many opinions are wrong because we do not have expertise in what we are commenting on. Your life will be better if you have a few opinions, and again in those areas where you are poor. In other areas, don't be afraid to say you don't have an opinion.
  31. Build your mental shield, which will protect you from anything that happens. Know that, whatever you have now, can leave at any moment, so don't put your trust in things or things, but in yourself, within your power.
  32. Get rid of jealousy, don't compare yourself with anyone, and also accept that there are people who will surpass you for whatever you think you are above. Also, be careful with social networks, most of the life that people show on social networks is not real.
  33. Preventing a problem from happening is easier and better than solving a problem that has already happened. So put your efforts to prevent problems before they happen and you won't be bothered by problems that have already happened.
  34. Take a break from the world's problems. Many bad things are going on in the world, war, murder, terrorism, hunger, and so on. All of this hurts to think about. But there is not much you can do to solve them, so instead of thinking about them and giving yourself a burden, release the burden. Know that there is evil going on in the world, but try to do your job well, this is the best way for you to help the world.
  35. There are three very important resources in your life, attention, time, and money. Time and money everyone knows the best way to manage, but attention is the challenge, especially in this age of information and social networks. Be very careful of your attention, and carefully filter all kinds of information you receive and thoughts that enter your mind. Put all your attention on what you are doing.
  36. Read a little, but read twice. Most of the books you read you will completely forget and you may not even remember what the book was about. When you are young, read as many books as you can, don't choose, you read. But as you get older, you start choosing what kind of books you read. Read a few books, but read them twice. Choose the 100 books that you will read over and over again in 10 years and you will learn a lot and become better.
  37. Avoid following any ideology, be free in your thoughts, and make decisions according to your thoughts. Do not follow ideologies and use them to make decisions, you will make many mistakes because ideologies are made for certain purposes and therefore cannot be used in all areas.
  38. Sometimes you will see the value of life by trying to get rid of certain things. You can see that someone is a nuisance to you, but ask yourself if he was not there at all, how would your life go? We tend to take things for granted until when we miss them, we regret it. Before you miss something, do the exercise of assuming that something is not there and you will see its value.
  39. The more time you spend thinking and pondering something, the harder it is for you to take action. So learn to reach decisions quickly, then once you decide, take action, and don't start thinking and pondering anymore. You will learn more by taking action than by thinking and reflecting.
  40. To be able to understand others, try to wear their shoes and walk in those shoes. Put yourself in the shoes of others and think or act the way they do, and you will understand why they do what they do.
  41. The big changes happening in the world are happening because the time has come and not because some people have caused them. We tend to associate people with big changes, thinking that without them the changes would not happen. Let's take a simple example, for example, if Nyerere did not fight for Tanzania's independence, do you think Tanzania would have grown into slavery? The answer is no, it would get freedom through someone else.
  42. The only area where you can make a big difference is in your personal life, fight with that and you will be able to have a better life. know that whatever else you may be worrying about is beyond your control, and if you want to measure yourself by how you can change the rest, you are setting yourself up for failure.
  43. The world is not fair, and neither is the world according to your plan of equality. The world goes as it goes, according to its plans. Some things will happen that are not right for you, but it will not help you by blaming the world. Instead, it is receiving and moving forward.
  44. Many people have been imitating the behavior of successful people, but they end up imitating the behavior and producing nothing. Don't just be a model of behavior, instead be a person of results. Life is not drama, life is what you do.
  45. To be successful you don't need to do everything or know everything. Instead choose your area that you can do well, then strive to do well, be better than everyone else and you will be able to be more successful. The better you choose your location and the more effort you put in, the better you use your energy and focus.
  46. Don't compete with anyone, run your race. And to be successful, avoid places with strong competition, to have something to distinguish you from others, which no one else can have but you.
  47. In society, there are different groups, when you are in a group you have to do as the group wants, but you also lack some freedom to do what you want yourself. When you're outside the group, you can do what you want, but you miss out on some of the benefits of being in a group. The solution is to have one foot in the group and the other foot out. Be in the group, but let your mind think like the outsiders.
  48. To find the right people, you will need to go through many wrong people, to know what you want with your life, you need to do a lot. The more things you encounter, the more you learn how to make decisions about what's right for you.
  49. The fewer expectations you have, the happier you will be. High expectations are a source of unhappiness for many, especially when those expectations are beyond their control. Have goals in your life, put a lot of effort into achieving them, but be ready to accept any result, good or bad.
  50. Learn to distinguish between ideas and good ideas, products and good products, and investments and good investments. 90% of all the things you come across are not important, that is, if you leave them, you will not miss anything. Only 10 percent is important, know that ten percent and deal with it while ignoring the rest.
  51. Be sober, no matter how successful you are, in the next 200 years, no one will even know if you lived on this earth. Whenever you start to think you are more important than others, remember what will happen in the next 200 years, the world will have completely forgotten you. Live a life that is meaningful to you and not a life of showing off and wanting others to see that you are more important than them.
  52. There are many lists of successful people, ranging from local to worldwide. But how that success is measured may not be right for you. True success for you is your inner success, which is not easy to measure externally. You will achieve internal success by putting effort into the areas you have chosen, focusing on the things within your power, and abandoning everything else. money, power, and fame are external things, which you cannot control, what you can control are the actions you take. Challenge yourself to be better every day and put more effort into what you chose to do.


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